LudumDare #48: Deedee Spy

Here you have, my LudumDare #48 entry.  It is a little demo, barely a game.  This is a little of postmortem, if you're interested.

Initially I had no idea how to apply the Deeper and deeper theme, but then I decided to use the Speed Hack's rule-o-matic and that gave me the ideas I needed to work with.  The cool thing is that I did a single spin, instead of trying various as I usually do.

Rule-o-matic to the rescue with the perfect starting point

The Tactical Espionage Action was the key thing.  The Rock Paper Scissors rule fell down (at the moment).  The rest were technical so didn't apply.

For graphics I rescued an old copy of SpriteLib (it included more characters) and I found a tileset at Open Game Art.  Then I spend a lot of time adapting the graphics to what I need:  extracting the sprites, building the animations, adapting the tileset to be used in 16x16 tilemaps...  and the first day gone.

Then programming for two days.  I must say I did it wrong.  I could have complete little game game with a bunch of levels with simple but nice puzzles, but I spend a lot of time in no point things like code formatting, ordering graphics, refactoring (personal note: never refactor in a jam!) or making pixel-perfect animations.  This is an error I commit in every jam.  Worst, I wasted time in the jumping [no] bug.  I wasn't able to fix it and still no idea why it does that weird bouncing at the end.

On the good side I tried to reuse code from an old jam for some things, but just "tried" because I spent more time than necessary refactoring that code to make it look good.  Also I like the hide mechanics and I'm quite proud of it.

Trying to be Snake

In conclusion:  I need to be less perfectionist when participating in a jam.  Doesn't mean to write dirty code or use bad graphics, but things doesn't need to be perfect, just practical.  Also, I'm getting old.  I was quite broke for two days!  That's why I wrote this days after.

BTW I will finish the game.  People like the idea a lot.  But first I have to review the engine, which is still in alpha phase, but once I've made some changes and improvements I will get to it.

Stay tuned.

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Apr 27, 2021 199 kB
Apr 27, 2021

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